Cyber Security Software

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Cybersecurity Software-as-a-Service for businesses

Cybersecurity software delivered as a service (SaaS) provides businesses with cloud-based protection against digital threats, allowing companies to access sophisticated security tools without extensive on-site infrastructure.

By subscribing to a SaaS cybersecurity service, businesses benefit from real-time updates and threat intelligence managed by experts, ensuring robust defence mechanisms against evolving cyber threats.

This service model reduces the complexity and cost of traditional cybersecurity setups and can scale with business growth or adapt based on seasonal variations.

While not an entirely new service, recent improvements to global connectivity through satellite and 5G broadband, robust dedicated line broadband, and AI and machine-learning algorithms have improved these cloud-based cybersecurity services.

Notable cybersecurity SaaS

Before delving into the reasons why cybersecurity SaaS is so revolutionary, see this list of the best-known solutions to get familiarity with their names and features:

ProviderKey Features
QualysMarket leader. Offers comprehensive vulnerability management, compliance, and web application security.
CrowdStrikeSpecialises in endpoint security, threat intelligence, and incident response.
Palo Alto NetworksProvides a wide range of security solutions, including firewalls, endpoint protection, and cloud security.
DarktraceUtilises AI for real-time threat detection and autonomous response across networks and digital systems.
OktaFocuses on identity and access management, providing user authentication and data access control.
ZscalerOffers cloud security, securing user data and applications through encrypted access.
TenableKnown for its vulnerability scanning and network monitoring capabilities.
Symantec (Broadcom)Provides a broad suite of security products, including malware protection and data loss prevention.

Why invest in business cybersecurity software?

Cybersecurity software-as-a-service (SaaS) offers:

Machine learning algorithms

Machine learning algorithms

Detects threats faster and more effectively than static, rule-based systems. It’s also set-and-forget; your SaaS will take care of its maintenance. 

Real-time monitoring and 24/7 support

Real-time monitoring and 24/7 support

Offers continuous monitoring and protection. It will respond immediately to threats and alert your IT staff.

Up-to-date protection and compliance

Up-to-date protection and compliance

Maintains compliance with current cybersecurity regulations, avoiding the risks of outdated software.

Adapts to change

Adapts to change

Scales with your business, eliminating the need for frequent manual system updates or expensive on-site visits.


Cybersecurity software key features

Cybersecurity software solutions provide a comprehensive and adaptable business defence mechanism, combining advanced technology with user-friendly features.

These platforms offer a range of security measures tailored to protect various aspects of IT infrastructure, detect and respond to threats in real time, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

With the ability to seamlessly integrate with existing systems and scale according to business growth, these solutions are not just protective measures but strategic business tools.

Here’s a table summarising the key features of cybersecurity SaaS:

Comprehensive SecurityIncludes endpoint protection, network security, and cloud security to safeguard all aspects of IT infrastructure.
Real-Time Threat DetectionUtilises advanced algorithms to detect threats as they occur, ensuring immediate identification.
Automated ResponseAutomatically counteracts detected threats to minimise damage without manual intervention.
ScalabilityAdjusts capacity as business needs grow without requiring additional physical infrastructure.
Integration CapabilitiesEasily integrates with existing IT setups, enhancing current systems with improved security features.
User-Friendly InterfaceDesigned for ease of use with intuitive controls, making complex security operations manageable for all users.
Regulatory ComplianceHelps businesses meet specific industry regulations such as GDPR, enhancing data protection and privacy standards.

Benefits and issues with cybersecurity software

Cybersecurity software is a powerful innovation that is disrupting the traditional cybersecurity space. However, its cloud-based approach brings some inherent challenges.

Here is a summary of the pros and cons of cybersecurity SaaS:

Advantages of Cybersecurity software

Here’s a table summarising the main benefits:

Enhanced SecurityProvides robust defences against various cyber threats, including malware and phishing attacks.
Compliance AssuranceHelps organisations comply with legal and regulatory requirements, reducing legal risks.
Real-Time Monitoring and ResponseContinuously scans and reacts to threats, minimising potential damage quickly and efficiently.
Cost EfficiencyReduces the need for extensive in-house security teams and can lower overall security management costs.

Disadvantages of Cybersecurity software

Cybersecurity software inherits the drawbacks of relying on automated tools like AI and cannot solve on-site problems, which a customised solution can also protect against.

ComplexityIt can be complex to configure and manage, requiring specialised knowledge or training.
False PositivesMay generate false alarms, leading to unnecessary investigations and resource allocation.
Dependence on UpdatesEffectiveness depends on regular updates; outdated systems may become vulnerable to new threats.
Potential for OverrelianceMay lead to complacency, with users assuming software alone is enough to guarantee security.
Not comprehensiveIt cannot cover site-specific security, such as insufficient network security, outdated software and systems, poor security practices, social engineering, physical hardware theft or damage, or internal data leaks.

How Cybersecurity software as a service works

Cloud-based cybersecurity software-as-a-service (SaaS) is operated 100% remotely through a secure internet connection, offering ongoing, real-time protection against cyber threats.

Process Flow

Here’s a simplified step-by-step explanation of the typical process flow followed by cybersecurity SaaS upon encountering a threat on a client’s systems.  

1. Threat detection

1. Threat detection

The system continuously scans for anomalies and potential threats using advanced algorithms.

2. Alert notification

2. Alert notification

When a threat is identified, the system immediately alerts the security team and logs the threat for review.

3. Threat analysis

3. Threat analysis

The software analyses the threat’s characteristics and potential impact.

4. Resolution and learning

4. Resolution and learning

After a threat resolution, the incident is documented to enhance the system’s predictive capabilities. Essentially, the algorithms are constantly learning.

5. Ongoing updates

5. Ongoing updates

The team of cybersecurity experts overseeing the product are constantly monitoring regulations and other vulnerability to ensure the software is also updated by humans.

Technical Specifications

Here’s an overview of the typical technical specs of cybersecurity software, bearing in mind that the idea is to avoid extensive internal infrastructure.

Note that each software provider specialises in its niche and has a slightly different tech stack to differentiate itself from competitors.

Cloud infrastructure

Cloud infrastructure

Operates on a secure, scalable cloud platform, minimising the need for local hardware.

Real-time monitoring

Real-time monitoring

Real-time data processing to detect threats as they occur.

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning & AI

Machine learning techniques and AI adapt and improve detection strategies over time.

Encryption standards

Encryption standards

Incorporates high-grade encryption to secure data in transit and at rest.

Compliance adherence

Compliance adherence

Ensures compliance with relevant regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) through up-to-date protocols.

Cybersecurity software success stories

Several British institutions have prevented cybersecurity breaches by implementing security using a SaaS model. Here are three notable examples:

University of Chichester

The University of Chichester enhanced its cybersecurity by adopting Mimecast‘s email protection tools while transitioning to online learning triggered by the pandemic.

This fully remote implementation fortified their VoIP and email security without requiring expensive on-site visits. It ensured safer outgoing communications and fewer spam issues, and the university IT staff reported that it lightened their workload, allowing them to focus more on strategic tasks rather than just reactive measures.

This case exemplifies a successful application of cybersecurity SaaS, demonstrating Mimecast’s ability to scale with the university’s needs and improve its overall cyber resilience.

British Heart Foundation

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) implemented its online payment capabilities to remain competitive with e-commerce retail and adopted Qualys Express for automated vulnerability management and compliance.

BHF conducts regular, automated scans across its retail and corporate networks, identifying and addressing vulnerabilities to enhance security. So far, using these tools has avoided major breaches.

Additionally, online payments require maintaining compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), and Qualys has enabled to do this without requiring human resources from BHF.


Addison is a leading UK engineering firm that recently bolstered its cybersecurity by adopting Darktrace’s AI-driven solutions.

Addison integrated Darktrace to oversee network, email, software, and web app security, recognising the need to effectively protect clients’ sensitive data, with their principal motivation to maintain and build client trust.

💡 Engineering firms now regularly use smart devices in their implementations, which requires dealing with extensive and often sensitive user data.

The firm particularly values Darktrace’s autonomous response capabilities, which drastically reduce the time and effort needed to address threats, streamline security processes, and ensure 24/7 protection.

This integration has positioned Addison as one of the leading engineering firms when it comes to securing their client’s data, recognising that business cybersecurity is essential in an increasingly digital world.

Cybersecurity software – FAQs

Our business broadband experts answer commonly asked questions on cybersecurity software.

What types of threats does cybersecurity software protect against?

Cybersecurity software-as-a-service protects against all common cybersecurity threats, such as Malware, Phishing, DDoS Attacks, Zero-day Exploits, Insiders, and Advanced Persistent Threats.

However, it cannot fully cover site-specific security, such as securing networks with bespoke business broadband routers, keeping core software and systems updated, fixing poor security practices, social engineering, physical hardware theft or damage, or internal data leaks.

How quickly does cybersecurity software detect and respond to security breaches?

Cybersecurity SaaS is renowned for its immediate response, relying on real-time monitoring, immediate alerts and automated responses.

This is especially true for advanced systems with machine learning capabilities that can detect and respond faster by learning from previous incidents to anticipate and neutralise threats more swiftly.

The faster the business broadband speeds, the quicker it will respond.

What kind of support is offered by cybersecurity software?

Cybersecurity SaaS providers typically offer comprehensive support services to ensure clients can effectively manage and respond to security threats. Key support offerings include:

Support TypeDescription
24/7 MonitoringContinuous monitoring of networks and systems to detect and respond to threats around the clock.
Customer ServiceAccess to help desks and customer support teams for troubleshooting and issue resolution.
Incident Response AssistanceExpert guidance and support for handling and mitigating cybersecurity incidents.
Regular UpdatesFrequent software updates to incorporate the latest security patches and threat definitions.
Training and EducationEducational resources and training to help users understand security best practices and software use.
Compliance GuidanceSupport in meeting relevant compliance regulations and maintaining standards.

How is cybersecurity software implemented?

Implementing cybersecurity software typically involves several key steps to ensure it integrates well with existing systems and offers optimal protection:

StepImplementation StepDescription
1AssessmentEvaluate current security needs and posture.
2SelectionChoose software that fits organisational requirements.
3ConfigurationCustomise settings to match policies and risk tolerance.
4InstallationInstall the software across necessary systems.
5IntegrationSeamlessly integrate with existing IT infrastructure.
6TrainingEducate users and IT staff on effective software use.
7TestingTest software to ensure proper threat detection.
8Monitoring and MaintenanceContinuously monitor and update to combat new threats.

Can broadband quality affect cybersecurity software?

Yes, broadband performance can impact the effectiveness of cybersecurity, as faster and more reliable internet connections improve the speed and efficiency of security updates, monitoring, and response actions.

This is why choosing the right business broadband provider and the correct technology is important. In the UK, the following is on offer:

Tethered broadband (Most stable)

Here are the best tethered technologies in ascending order (least to most performant):

  • ADSL: The cheapest but slowest tethered broadband connection that relies 100% on telephony cables.
  • FTTC: The cheapest but slowest fibre optic broadband, using telephony cables from the cabinet to the business.
  • Cable: High-performance broadband using Virgin Media‘s co-axial cable network (same as used by cable TV).
  • FTTP (Full-fibre): High-performance fibre broadband, with bandwidth shared by multiple businesses and homes.
  • Leased Line: Highest-performance tethered broadband, with an exclusive connection to your business (no bandwidth sharing).

Wireless broadband (Less stable)

Here are the best wireless technologies in ascending order (least to most performant):

  • Satellite: Connects via satellite networks like Starlink and OneWeb. It has high latency but is available anywhere.
  • 5G business broadband: Uses high-speed 5G networks for connectivity. The downside is it may be affected by weather, obstructions, and nearby antennae.

Consider using our business broadband comparison service to find the best deals for your business premises.

How can I ensure that cheap business broadband meets the security requirements of my business?

It’s important to consider the IT security requirements of your business. A basic business broadband package may not provide the security levels your business requires.

Here are the three important security factors if you’re considering looking at a cheap business broadband deal:

  • Static or dynamic IP – A typical cheap business broadband package uses a dynamic IP address. Upgrading to a static IP helps restrict remote workers’ access to your network.
  • Leased line – A leased line broadband connection comes at a much greater cost but provides unparalleled security as you don’t share your fibre optic cables with other users.
  • Built-in firewalls – Some broadband routers provide an in-built firewall that adds another level of security.